Tuesday 28 September 2010

"'The Dark Knight' is such a good film!"

Batman: Dark Knight 2008 Directed by Christopher Nolan

Feedback from a viewer of Dark Knight:
  Batman The Dark Knight -
This movie was excellent indeed! I could watch it over and over. (Even though the movie is quite long.)... ...But, all in all, great movie."


Let's take a look at the Warner Bros: Dark Knight Homepage:
Dark Knight Homepage

Notice that the homepage is "black" themed. Why is that? Yes, it links to the film itself: "Dark Knight". On the main centre, the page shows the actual trailer for the movie, this could attract audience who have not seen the film yet and could get an insight to the video summary of the film.The homepage also shows the Synopsis, Cast and Additional Downloads that you can use freely.

The Dark Knight was made at Warner Bros studios:
The Studio was originally built on a plot of farmland in 1926 by First National Pictures, which Warner Bros. acquired in 1928. The Warner Bros studios offers over 30 different rental and service departments, they also maintain one of the largest collections of period and contemporary costumes for films. The studio has facilities which provides lots of resources and function such as Set Lighting to Research Centre. 

Warner also own a number of other companies:
  • Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
  • Warner Bros. Record Inc.
Warner Bros is a subsidiary of Time Warner which is a global leader in media and entertainment with businesses in television networks, filmed entertainment and publishing.

Thriller Genre

Thriller is a genre that uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements.
Some of the Thriller conventions:

  • Jump Cuts
  • Heroes and Villains
  • Exotic Locations
  • Fight Scenes: Violence; Weapons
  • Fast Pace Music
  • Extreme sound effects such as Explosion, Shooting

MEMENTO starring Guy Pearce -

 A man with anterograde amnesia which renders his brain unable to store new memories. He uses his own body tattoos and photograph to recall memories.

Christopher Nolan Interview about Memento:

INSOMNIA starring Al Pacino, Hilary Swank and Robin Williams -

Insomnia Poster

A Detective who suffers insomnia due to the midnight sun and guilt for his misdeeds. He investigates the murder of a 17-year-old girl.

Both films directed by Christopher Nolan both uses thriller conventions. We first notice this by the slow eerie music played by strings. In Memento, we first see a picture of a man with blood, this could already link to the storyline and the genre because of 'blood'. Its the same as in Insomnia where we see a blood appear through cloth. We also see the settings of the both films; in Memento, we see this segregated area where no one would seem to go visit there; and in Insomnia, we can see the plane flying above this wide isolated snowy rocks (Exotic Locations). 

Tuesday 21 September 2010

What About Me?

My name's Calvin Serrano, a 16 year old blogging for his A level Media at St. Peters. I chose this A level because I find film industry really fascinating as well as the use of camera. I also chose ICT, Art and English Language for my other A levels; I guess you could tell that I am interested in Computer Art.

This year, our aim is to produce an Opening of a film using skills we've learnt this year. Before progressing to the final step, we will need to get a good knowledge of the Film Industry such as Cinematography (Close Up, Medium Shot, Establishing Shot, and more.),  the different types of Genre (Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller and etc.), Mise-en-Scene (what goes on the stage) and more.
This will help us create an opening scene more professional look and more interesting to watch.