Monday, 19 September 2011

History Of Music Video

[zoom out and start from 1965]

This timeline shows the history of Music Video starting from the Beatles in 23rd November, 1965 to contemporary (2010) such as Lady Gaga. 

Music Video has changed throughout the years creating various Genre such as:
  • Performance - The Artist/Band is the main focus of the Music Video singing all the way through.
  • Narrative - There is a storyline presented.
  • Spectacle - Using special effects and such.
  • Concept - Abstract Idea, Theme
  • Intertextual - Makes conscious reference to other texts
  • Brand Image - Strong focus on artists and representation
Music Video also has affected media creating numerous accounts such as music video television programmes like MTV, VH1 and more, and also awards to recognise the produce of music videos.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really impressed by your handling of the technology, Calvin. A good overview.